What’s causing your problems with lash retention?

Whether you’re a new lash artist or a seasoned pro, at some point in your career you’ve probably had a client (be honest, at least one) who has had issues with lash retention. Whether clients turn up for a two-week fill appointment with hardly any lash extensions left or they’re messaging you the day after their salon visit to tell you that “all of their lashes have just fallen off”,  it’s happened to us all.

First of all, take a step back. Is it that you’re having retention issues or is it one client that keeps having the same issue? If it’s just one client, it’s pretty likely that the problem lies with them rather than you. If this is the case, you need to make sure that they’re aware of (and following) proper aftercare advice. However, if you’re having lots of client feedback that their lashes just don’t last then it’s worth investigating this further.

Most common reasons for poor lash retention

There are lots of different reasons for problems with lash retention, these can range from product choices, to issues with application and even the environment. Here, we’ve listed some of the most common reasons that lash artists can struggle with lash retention:

  • Not following proper prep – in order for lash extensions to adhere to natural lashes, the natural lashes need to be clean and oil free. It’s important that you make clients aware that they need to invest in a lash shampoo to keep their lashes and extensions clean between appointments, and that you clean and prep the lashes before application. Whether you prefer a lash primer that contains alcohol, or an alcohol-free lash primer, primer removes oils, proteins and product residue from the lashes which can help to improve both application and retention.
  • Environment – as a lash artist, it’s up to you to ensure that the humidity and temperature in your lash area is optimum for your glue and other products. Too hot, cold or dry will lead to you experiencing problems with application that could also cause lash retention problems.
  • Application process and technique – are you taking the time to make sure each lash has adhered and that your glue has cured correctly? Is your isolation on point? Sometimes rushing an appointment, or not taking proper care in your application can lead to poor retention. Take the time to review your technique, it might be time to refresh your skills or learn some new ones.
  • Using the wrong products (or storing the right products incorrectly) – you may be using glue that dries too quickly or slowly for your environment, or lashes that are too heavy, long or thick for your client’s natural lashes. It might be that your glue hasn’t been stored or cleaned correctly and has dried out. It might be that it’s time to purchase a new lash glue, as they do have a shelf life. Take the time to learn which products you should be using (and making sure they’re good quality), how you should be using them and how to store them to maximise their effective use.
  • Clients with oily skin – sometimes clients have really oily skin, which can also affect their lashes. If this is the case, and clients are finding it hard to keep lashes on, they may need to try a product on their eyelids that reduces the oil on their lashes.
  • Masks – new salon regulations means that all clients need to wear masks when they’re in the chair. The hot air and humidity caused by clients breathing into a mask can be a problem, so taping it down at the top is one way of dealing with this.
  • Medical issues – medication, hormones, stress and some medical conditions can affect people in lots of different ways. This includes their lashes! If you really can’t get to the bottom of the issue, it might be worth having a chat with your client about any changes to their health.
  • Clients not following aftercare advice – if it’s the same client every time, or you can see that aftercare advice isn’t being followed, take the time to remind them. They may have forgotten, or not realised that something they’re doing is causing their retention issues. Remind them every time they get their lashes done, even if they’ve been coming to you for years.

Solving issues with lash extension retention

The good news is that all of these lash retention issues can be solved through better education and investing in the right products for your clients – one of our top tips for improving retention is our Megabonder Retention Maximiser. Simply apply at the end of the set to cure lashes from within and improve retention.

Check out our range of premium lash extension products here

what's causing your problems with lash retention?